Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sounds Like Recession

When I broke down and finally got internet I had to get a phone line, too. For some reason, internet is better and cheaper if you get phone service, than if you get internet alone. I finally got around to plugging in a phone and discovered 28 voicemails waiting for me. From what I can gather, the calls are intended for a single dad, X----, with a high school kid, an elementary school kid, and 2 dogs. I was not prepared for the sadness of the messages and found myself really bothered by them. They went something like this:

- call from a credit card collection agency
- call from elementary school nurse urgently advising him to pick up his daughter and take her to the doctor
- call about vehicle reposession
- call from high school guidance counselor about his son's failing grades
- call from credit card collection agency
- call from a man who sounds angry "X---, you NEED to call me NOW!"
- call from vet clinic on unpaid bill
- call from an agency about unemployment benefits
- call from high school teacher about son's behavior in Engish class
- more calls from credit card collection agencies

I found myself haunted by these calls to this stranger who previously had my number. I hope he and his kids will be ok, it sounds like their lives are falling apart.

Prayer for Those Who are Unemployed

O God of the vineyard,
you call us all to productive labor,
to employ our gifts and talents for you.
We pray for those who are unemployed.
Strengthen them in this difficult hour,
uplift their spirits,
and grant them a place among your laborers
until all be employed for the common good,
and we share fully in our true work
of praising you with heart and mind and soul forever. Amen

(UMC Book of Worship, David Schnasa Jacobsen)


  1. Mmm. Prayers for all kinds of workers this week...

  2. Hey! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog this week. I really appreciated it. How is it that we've never really hung out together? Clearly we must rectify this situation as you are obviously some time?

  3. OK, Greta, it is time for a new post! I keep checking and hoping...
