Saturday, July 18, 2009

Getting in the Way

Tomorrow I leave for Palestine and Israel for a delegation with Christian Peacemaker Teams. Many have asked what I will be doing and why I am going.

CPT's clever motto is, "Getting in the Way" which is has multi-layered meanings. It means to get in the way of violence and their teams go to some of the most violent places in the world including Palestine and Israel, Iraq, Columbia, the USA/Mexico border, and more. It also means to get in "the Way" as in the "way of Jesus". Early Christians called themselves followers of The Way because they sought to live their lives the way Jesus did.

I believe in the work of CPT not just because their theology and strategies resonate with that part deep inside me that thinks it knows what truth is, but because I have also heard testimonies from its peacemakers. At various times in my life I have met CPTers and have utmost respect for their commitment, humility, faith, care, and sense of responsibility in their peace work. More than anything, I am moved by the testimonies of the communities they work with for the good they are doing in the world.

Why Palestine and Israel? I am personally interested in this issue for a couple reasons:

One, because I have been studying so much about colonization, globalization, etc. regarding Peace with Justice issues, I feel moved to go and see for myself the daily reality of territories under occupation.

Two, Jesus and the early Christians lived under occupation which greatly influenced their writings in a way that is difficult to understand as a citizen of the USA. I hope that this experience with illumine my reading of scripture.

Three, my citizenship as an American is relevant in this conflict. The United States by conservative estimates has given Israel foreign aid of $2.5 Billion ($2,500,000,000) in 2009 which supports its military. We receive very little news about what is happening, and the news that we receive focuses on the most glaring incidents of violence. I hope to gain more clarity about what is happening and my role as an American.

What I will be doing: I will be working with 12 other people to visit with Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations, document human rights abuses, witness for peace, and collect stories. Stay tuned to this blog for updates! Until then, read more about CPT's work in Palestine and Israel.

Join Team Shiphrah! Ways to put your faith into action around these issues:
  • Pray for safe travels of our team.
  • Read more about Christian Peacemaker Team's work.
  • Support this mission trip, financially. I still have a small balance to raise for this mission trip (total cost is $2,750). If you would like to contribute to this cause, please click here and be sure to designate that it goes for "Greta-Palestine" so it is applied to my balance. Thank you!


  1. Hi Greta! I am Tiffany's friend Lauren and I just wanted to thank you for sharing details about your trip and to tell you that I am praying for all of you and so thankful that you are journeying together! I can't wait to hear more.

  2. Thanks for the blogwork. We're keeping up. Keep pumping it out.

  3. This is Tiffany's mother. I'm so glad you're doing this together! There are a lot of people in Kansas praying for you and the group.
    Iva Lee
